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Preparing for the Photoshoot

Here are some tips to prepare for the photoshoot for the most beautiful photos possible.

Key in the Lock


- All lights ON (the more light the better).
- All blinds open/pulled up (unless these is something you don’t want visible through the window).

-Turn ceiling fans off.
- Garbage/Recycling cans hidden.
-Remove all that you can from all countertops (dishes, appliances, toothpaste, combs, soap, toiletries, hand towels, etc).

-Put all personal items away.

-Remove any religious symbols from view.
-Keep pets and children out of the way during the shoot. Put away pet supplies, including food/water bowls, crates, toys, etc. It is best if pets are taken for a walk, or crated.
-All toilet lids down.
-Bathroom Towels hung neatly or removed.

-Beds neatly made.
-Remove all holiday decor - examples include Pumpkins, Christmas trees, Menorahs, Christmas Lights, wreaths from the front door, etc.

-I do not shoot inside closets, unless it is a very neat designer/walk-in closet. If the inside of a closet is not a main selling feature of your home, you can instead use the closet to hide things.

Staging: If available, place unobtrusive decorative items on counters and tables, examples include:
fresh flowers, bowls of  fresh fruit, pottery, vases, and new candles.



Less is more, not just for clutter, but for people. If possible, treat this photo session the same as a showing, and have the Sellers take a few hours in a coffee shop or visit a neighbor. The goal is to make the home show beautifully online and sell quickly!



- No cars in the driveway, garage door closed. (I don't shoot inside the garage, unless it is very neat. If not this is another place to hide items.)

- Hoses rolled up neatly, or even better, gone.

-Signs or flags removed from windows.

- Exterior garbage cans out of view or at least out of front shot. 

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